How to Design a Lab

How to Design a Lab

There are many considerations when designing a laboratory floor plan. Space and material requirements, safety precautions, and ergonomic flow must be weighed. The experts at PSA Laboratory Furniture will answer all your lab design questions to provide a turnkey experience from beginning to end.

As worldwide leaders in the industry, let us take the reigns from design to lab furniture installation. It’s what we do, and we do it well.

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Laboratory Layout

At PSA Laboratory Furniture, we understand the importance of a quality lab layout. That means maximizing convenience for lab workers through workflow optimization and appropriate workbench spacing.

Understanding how certain spaces in the lab will interact will maximize their safety, efficiency, and effectiveness. Our laboratory architects deliver buildout arrangements with the most appropriate designs possible.

What to consider when laying out a lab:

  • How much space will your new lab have?
  • Are there limitations to the area (support columns, doorways, etc.)?
  • Is work performed individually or in pairs? Teams?

The final layout of your lab will determine how much space there is and how efficiently work can be performed. Our designers will review the floor plan to determine if all space is optimized.

The exact work of the lab needs to be taken into account. For example, a school lab will need room for multiple teams of students while a private research facility may be customized for more independent work.

Required Equipment & Safety

  • What does your lab require to function?
  • What safety equipment do you need?

The requirements of a microbiology lab will be very different from an aerospace research and development facility. We’ve worked with labs across many industries and know which facilities need which products.

Fume hoods require extra space for ventilation system hookups. Knowing which type you need will make planning easier. For example, if your lab will need a walk-in fume hood you will need to save room in the lab. Similarly, water and electrical outlets will need to be accounted for as early in the design as possible.

Laboratory Materials

Speak with the scientists and technicians who work at the lab on a daily basis. What type of materials will be handled? Understanding the materials and substances a lab will be exposed to is critical to an effective laboratory design.

Lab Countertop Materials

Review our guide on lab countertop materials to determine which is best suited to your laboratory and budget.

Each countertop material has unique benefits and shortcomings.

Laboratory Mobility

Many modern labs are designed with mobile solutions in mind. The needs of labs can change at a moment’s notice, so it makes sense the furniture should too. We have flexible furniture systems where workstations can be moved and rearranged with ease.

Lab Furniture Colors

Your lab doesn’t have to be boring. There are many ways to customize the appearance of your lab through the cabinet and counter colors. Even the most professional lab on the planet should have at least some color. School labs in particular tend to share a color scheme. View our standard color options to get an idea of how your lab can be customized.

Lab Installation

  • When will the lab be installed?
  • Who will provide installation services?

At PSA Laboratory Furniture, our clients may install their own furnishings or have our installers come to their location. We recommend our lab installation services to ensure each piece is properly fitted and tested. We are also able to dedicate more time to the process, while workers at your facility may need to do other work while installation is ongoing.

Laboratory Certification

  • Does any part of your lab have to meet industry or federal safety standards?

PSA Laboratory furniture provides testing and certification for new labs. This includes ANSI/ASHRAE, IEST, ISO, and NSF-compliant.

Ready to get started? Contact our designers to request a quote on your brand new lab!

Reach out to PSA Laboratory Furniture for more information on designing your own lab.