How to Meet Lab Safety Requirements

How to Meet Lab Safety Requirements

Laboratory Furniture Testing and Certification

Lab accidents are unfortunately common. It’s not surprising – labs are often full of sensitive equipment, hazardous materials, and reactive chemicals. To protect workers, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has strict standards for laboratories. PSA Laboratory Furniture designs, installs, and certifies labs to ensure they are safe.


OSHA Safety Standards for Labs

OSHA has specific safety standards for laboratories. The basic personal protective equipment (PPE) includes gloves and safety goggles for lab workers. Lab coats are recommended to protect skin and clothing from hazardous chemical exposure. The right lab design from PSA will improve your workplace safety.

Industry-Specific Regulations

Every industry has different safety requirements for laboratories. OSHA has specific guidelines for labs handling chemical hazards like formaldehyde. Biological hazards like bloodborne pathogens are also addressed. Fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, and other fire suppression methods are usually required in any lab dealing with heat sources. This is in addition to the fire prevention methods required in all commercial buildings.

PSA Laboratory Furniture has worked with laboratories across all types of industries, including:

Contact our designers to learn more about how to create a custom lab for your specific facility.

Chemical Fume Hoods Provide Clean Air

Fume hoods are designed in all shapes and sizes to provide labs with safe ventilation. They pull smoke, vapor, and gases out of the hooded area so it is not exposed to the entire lab. There are many different types which all have their own benefits and uses:

Discuss the right fume hood options for your lab with our team.

Ventilation Testing and Certification

We install, test and certify chemical fume hoods for our customers. Our laboratory experts are trained and equipped to ensure your lab facility maintains or exceeds regulatory compliance. OSHA compliant labs create a safer workplace for your employees.

PSA Laboratory Installs Safety Equipment

PSA Laboratory Furniture designs labs with all these safety features in mind. Along with cabinets and counters, we install eye wash stations and emergency showers. Promote workplace safety and protect your workers with a lab designed by PSA Laboratory Furniture experts.

Contact PSA Laboratory Furniture for an estimate on safe lab furniture and equipment.